Monday, December 04, 2006

*Exclusive News* for all blog readers

As a reward to all of you who read the blog regularly, I'm going to fill you in on some BIG news before everyone else hears by word of mouth (or in a Christmas news letter)...

July 12, 2007 - Chase is going to be a big brother! Call us crazy, but we're going to have another child. What was Chase's response when we told him? "Nooooooooooooooooooooo!" Today he also told me that he wanted me to have a big baby. Again, he's not happy with us.

He will be a great big brother, though. And we will continue to buy him shirts that honor our favorite bands. To go along with his AB/CD shirt, I found him a Beatles shirt. I was going to give it to Gary for Christmas, but I just couldn't wait!

Now, we just need to get Gary's parents hooked up to a computer before July 12th so that we can tell them...


Michele said...

Congratulations! Boy, you kept that one under wraps for quite awhile.

Anonymous said...

Chase will make a WONDERFUL big brother.
Must be drinking the water in the Business Office....the baby place.