Tuesday, November 05, 2013

A November Attitude

This is a tough month for me.  This summer loving girl isn't impressed with the 18 degrees she woke up to this morning.  This snow hating girl isn't ready for the rath a North Dakota winter is preparing to unleash upon her.  And it's Diabetes Awareness Month.

Ironically, November is the month Chase was diagnosed.  I don't need a month to be aware of diabetes.  We live with it 24/7.  365.  We live it through my dad, too.  Last November, I witnessed him have the mother of all insulin reactions.  Tomorrow Dad will undergo surgery to have his middle toe removed due to an infection complicated by diabetes.  So, screw you Diabetes Awareness Month.  Screw you. 

Okay, so I do try to remain positive.  Really.  What other option do I have?  What I've learned in the last 8 years is that you can hate something but that won't change the situation.  It is what it is.  The only way you can change diabetes is by changing your attitude.  For me, I write.  Sometimes I cry.  I find solace in my support group.  An occasional glass of wine works, too. 

Eight years ago, my mom framed an article from a doctor who stated that diabetes would be cured in 10 years.  Although the article is fading, I still think of it everyday.  It gives me hope.  Some days that is all I need to bring me around.  Hope and an 80 degree day.