Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks for Seven

Parents of diabetic children do something strange.  We take time to observe the day our children where diagnosed with type 1.  It may seem like a day we would all want to forget, but even after at least 12,775 finger pokes, 720 infusion sight changes and 28 blood draws, it still seems like yesterday

Nine years ago, we celebrated our first Thanksgiving Day as a family in the hospital with our day old son.  Little did we know, we'd be back in the hospital 2 years later fighting to keep that little boy alive. Every day, since November 29th, 2005, we've been eternally thankful for every day with that little boy.

November 26th, 2003 - baby Chase arrives (finally)

December 25th, 2005 - 2 year old Chase is out of the hospital and is happy and healthy
I am grateful for the doctors and nurses at Sanford Children's Hospital.  Doctor Parag Kumar had enough faith in us to let Chase become in youngest patient in the state to wear an insulin pump at the age of three.  Chase's success with the pump not only changed our lives, it opened the door to more kids in the area being put on insulin pumps.

I'm thankful to my family and friends for their constant support.  This has been a great year of freedom for Chase - sleepovers and lots of play dates.  To have people we can trust with Chase's care is a true blessing.

Ultimately, I'm thankful for the smart, funny, honest, loving, darn cute and amazingly brave kid I write the this blog about.  There are days when I listen to him speak and I think to myself, "I wish I could be more like him."  I'm thankful for having a child that makes me want to bet a better person.

 October 2012 - almost 9 year old Chase and his buddy, Charlie

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  Thank you for your love and support.  

I recently updated his photo story (mainly because I got in trouble for having a photo him kissing Leah on the cheek in the old one).