Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The weather outside is frightful

Weather forcast:

6pm -7° Feels Like-32°F

9pm -13° Feels Like-40°F

12am -14° Feels Like-30°F

3am -18° Feels Like-31°F

6am -17° Feels Like-28°F

9am -19° Feels Like-27°F

Even our furball of a cat, Ashley, is cold. This is what I got for leaving my dresser drawer open. I turned up the heat 2 degrees on the furnace and started a fire in the fireplace. She's out of my drawer now. Whimp.

Make me a mummy, Mommy

Life is never boring around our house.

6 month stats

Leah had her 6 month check up today. It was -20 when we left the house (-40 with the wind). Luckily, the clinic has free valet parking. I've only used it one other time. It was great!

Weight - 18.5 oz (without clothes and a car seat...add an additional 20# with those two items)

Height - 26" (50th percentile...for now)

Head - 17.5" (92nd percentile...there is nothing natural about natural child birth)

New tricks - loves eating, sitting up, scooting on her butt (crawling is for babies apparently), smacking people in the face and then giggling, and my favorite, toe touching...

Sunday, January 20, 2008

When I grow up

A couple of times Chase has mentioned that when he is older he won't need shots any more. It's difficult to explain to him that he will have diabetes forever.

Then there are times lighter times, like today, when he filled out a Sunday school questionnaire. Check out what he wants to be when he grows up. Some days it feels like he's already reaching that goal in life. The only thing that surprised me was that he said green was his favorite color.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


My folks bought Chase a can of Tinker toys a few weeks ago. They were a hit with both kids.
Chase really likes creating things lately. We've gone through 4 rolls of Scotch tape in the last 2 months. I tried to cut him off of tape in November, but he resorted to taping things together with stickers. That was the same month that I told him he could give himself tattoos only if he started putting them on his legs (I was beginning to forget what his forearms looked like). He was okay with that idea. I thought I had won that battle until I realized that he was starting to put on shorts once he got home from day care.
I've also been trying to get him to stop sucking him thumb because is it turning a bright shade of red. I thought I caught him yesterday when we were shopping so I asked, "Chase are you sucking your thumb?" His loud reply was, "No, I'm picking my nose."
I will never win. Never.

Call me Martha

Here is my first (and probably last) attempt at making a quilt. A few months ago I told Chase that I was going to make a blanket out of his out grown favorite t-shirts. I had planned to make it in a few years, but he wanted it NOW. The quality is lacking, but he loves it and that is all that really matters.
All I could think of when I was sewing was the deformed Precious Moments pillow that I made in Home Economics in the 8th grade. My sewing hasn't improved much!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

6 Month Photos

Already this little girl is quite the ham.

These photos are actually round 2 of a photo shoot. The first round of photos the photographer took didn't turn out because the battery was dead on her flash. Leah was doing okay, but she was getting tired of being photographed. Luckily, Gary was running late getting to the appointment. When he walked into the room, the smiles came back big time and we were able to redo the photos.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy 2008!

A belated Happy New Year to everyone!
May 2008 award you with plenty of opportunities to visit your local Fun Photo booth!
(And because my mom is going to ask, Chase is crying in the 2nd photo because he wanted to be the only one in the photo!)