Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Top "From the mouth of babes" - 2007

This is my favorite from the mouth of Chase story for the year 2007:

It all started when I took Chase for this 4 year photos and Leah for her 3 month photos back in October. I told Chase that we would go look at Halloween decorations after we were done if he was good. Well, let's just say that he didn't hold up to his end of the bargain. As I was strapping him into his car seat, he asked, "Can we go look at Halloween decorations now?" I told him, "No, you didn't behave so we are going home and then I'm going to beat you." (I was kidding - seriously). A couple minutes later I heard, "Mom, when you're done beating me, can we go look at decorations?".

And, then there was just this weekend when I was scrubbing off a tattoo on Chase's arm with a bath mit of my mom's. Chase said, you have one of these. To which I replied that I didn't. Then we went back and forth with "Yes you do" and "No I don't" for a while. I then asked him where it was if I had one. His reply was, "It's under the tree. Grandma bought you one. Wasn't that nice of her?"! Moral of the story - don't take Chase Christmas shopping with you.

Merry Christmas!

As I write this, Chase is in our bed watching his Star Wars DVD for the third time today. And I just removed a Cabbage Patch doll Leah received from Santa from her sleeping grip. Christmas was good to the children and adults. We spent time with both of our families, which really was the best gift of all.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

7.3 - Wee hee!

Chase had his A1C test today. His test came back as a 7.3. His last test was 7.7. Any drop lowers his chances of diabetic complications (kidney disease, nerve damage, and eye problems).

After the age of 7 we will need to get his number closer to 6 (blood average of 135). Hopefully by then BlueCross BlueShield of ND will finally approve continuous glucose monitors. (I'm extremely jealous of a mom in Minnesota that has 2 of her children on the monitor.) Or even better yet - a cure.

Once there is a cure I'm going to rent a steam roller and let Chase drive over all of his diabetes "stuff". Oh, how much fun it will be to see the pump, Humalog bottle, glucometer, lancet, test strips, and pump supplies smashed to smithereens. And afterwards, we'll go out for the biggest Dairy Queen Blizzard they make. Now, I just need to know where I can get my hands on a steam roller...

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Brotherly love - Part 2

Chase has been obsessed with giving people cards lately. It all started when I gave him some cheesy cards that I knew I'd never send out. Then, my mom did the same. She even sent him a package with cards and envelopes today.

It is kind of fun. You never know what kind of card you are going to get. My niece is still shaking her head over the card she received from him praying for her recovery. Although, I'm no too sure about the card above for his sister. Poor Leah.