Wednesday, December 12, 2007

7.3 - Wee hee!

Chase had his A1C test today. His test came back as a 7.3. His last test was 7.7. Any drop lowers his chances of diabetic complications (kidney disease, nerve damage, and eye problems).

After the age of 7 we will need to get his number closer to 6 (blood average of 135). Hopefully by then BlueCross BlueShield of ND will finally approve continuous glucose monitors. (I'm extremely jealous of a mom in Minnesota that has 2 of her children on the monitor.) Or even better yet - a cure.

Once there is a cure I'm going to rent a steam roller and let Chase drive over all of his diabetes "stuff". Oh, how much fun it will be to see the pump, Humalog bottle, glucometer, lancet, test strips, and pump supplies smashed to smithereens. And afterwards, we'll go out for the biggest Dairy Queen Blizzard they make. Now, I just need to know where I can get my hands on a steam roller...

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