I don't want Chase's diabetes to define who he is in anyway. Although, through it all, I've seen a kid that I'm so very honored to be called his mom.
I was going to do a blog on him starting his insulin pump on Thursday, but I've decided to talk about who Chase is aside from his diabetes.
Here's just a little bit about Chase:
There isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't make me laugh. Some things he does on purpose for a laugh like his intensity face (this one was done during his 3 year photo shoot at JC Penney). Other times, he'll do things like demand a "chip" in church during communion to get me chuckling.
He loves to be cuddled and held. He'll ask to hold your hand while driving in a car...which I will agree to if I'm not driving.
When you get him laughing he will hiccup for about an hour afterwards.
He can be bribed into doing almost anything for a trip to McDonald's! Except use the potty - have I mentioned yet that he's stubborn?
He picks up on quotes from movies quite well. My favorite was when we were in Florida and from the back seat of the car, I hear, "I have make-up on my butt!" It took me about 30 seconds to figure out he was quoting the skunk from "Over the Hedge". He keeps us on our toes trying to figure out what he's talking about some times due to this gift.
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing that he has the largest Pez collection of any 3 year old in the world.
And, lastly, some day I hope his kids smash Play-Doh into his carpets as often as he done to mine.
Happy New Year!!!!