Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This kid is nuts

Why do kids stick things up their noses? This kid does it to get a laugh. Gary once told me that he hopes Chase is a class clown when he's in school. My only reply was that I hope he joins me in the principal's office to discuss our son's behavior.

Gary's reasoning for this is that he was shy as a child and he hopes that Chase is more out going. I was shy, too (right now a co-worker is shooting coffee out their nose), but I'm not worried about Chase. He likes to entertain. One day during a play date, I was telling the other moms that Chase tends to take after Gary's side of the family physically, but socially, he tends to take after my side a little more. Right after I said that he put a sand bucket on his head and began to dance around. I'm not sure where I'm going with this...

Speaking of entertaining, Chase and his buddy Jacob put on a good show for me yesterday:

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