Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The highs are making me feel low

I hate diabetes - there, that must be worth $250 of therapy. Good thing Blogger's services are free.

Chase's blood sugars have been running very high at lunch and supper for the last few weeks. On average, they run about 300 mg/dL. This could be due to a growth spurt or he may be coming down with a cold. Or, more than likely, it is just the nature of this beastly disease.

We are doing everything by the book - raising his insulin amounts, limiting his carbs, encouraging him to move around - and it just doesn't seem to be working. We are afraid to raise his insulin too much because even slight increases in insulin can create low blood sugars and that creates a whole new set of problems.

Chase seems to be handling his highs better than his mother, though! You'd never know that he was "running high". He use to be a bear when he was experiencing hyerglycemia. And getting him to move - forget about it!

For some reason, I'm reminded of an incident that happened a few months ago. Chase did not want his blood tested and was screaming, crying and pretty much throwing a fit. And, against our diabetes educator's recommendation, I started crying in front of him. We had been doing battle with the blood tests for a couple of days and I was emotionally drained. Amazingly, Chase stopped crying, took the wash cloth I was using to clean his fingers and wiped away my tears. He then hugged me, told me not to cry and that I was okay.

The lesson I learned from that incident is that as much as I try to be there for him, he is there even more for me. Come rain or shine...

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