Monday, October 01, 2007

Two is company, three is exhausting...

New phase - tell Chase to smile and this is what you get.

My Fargo friend, Karla, is in town this week for a conference. She wanted to bring her daughter Bailey with so she asked if I'd watch her today. I excitedly agreed since Chase and Bailey play so well together. They had a blast. We went to Barnes and Noble and read books, to a park, McDonald's, the Pumpkin Patch, out for ice cream, and then to a play area at the mall.

It was so much fun to listen to Chase and Bailey converse in the back seat. My favorite conversation was the one where Bailey told Chase that he had a messy room. His response was that his mom hadn't cleaned it yet! In my defense - one, it's not messy and two, I'm so done cleaning that kid's room.
We packed a lot into one day. A little bit ago, Gary asked me if I was going to rename the Blog now that Leah is here. I told him that with two kids I'll be "keeping up the chase" more than ever. And, although today was a lot of fun, I think I'll stick with just two kids. Yes, this coming from a third child.

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