Monday, October 01, 2007

A guilt trip to Fargo

Uncle Todd Mocking My Children

My brother called last week to tell me that he'd be in Fargo on Saturday. He wanted to see if we'd like to meet up. Since we were just there a couple of weeks ago I told him that we'd have to pass. I wanted to see him, but I couldn't work another hotel stay into our budget.

Well, Mom got wind that Todd was going to be in the state and she did two things to me that she does best - she put me on a guilt trip (he hadn't met Leah yet) and bribed me (we stayed with them at the hotel). So, Saturday morning, the kids and I headed to Fargo to see Uncle Todd. I over heard Chase telling Gary that he had to go to Fargo because Grandma, Boppa, and Todd missed him. Modest kid I'm raising.

It was a fun time. I think Leah liked her uncle Todd. She spit up on him numerous times if that indicates anything. I did get a great shot of her smiling, though...

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