Thursday, May 17, 2007

Once, twice, three times - she's still a little lady

I went in for a 3rd ultrasound yesterday. Since I have uterine fibroids (like 80% of the female population - yippee me) I had another ultrasound to make sure they won't interfere with the delivery. The technician did a scan and she is still a girl. That's good, because we are selling all of Chase's baby clothes on Saturday!
I thought I would be the one having difficulty parting with Chase's things. Instead, if Gary had his way, we'd be keeping 50% (or more) of Chase's outfits. It's amazing how much has accumulated in the last 3.5 years. I'm beginning to see why Gary wanted a larger storage shed so bad last year.
I have 5 more doctor appointments before my due date. I'm hoping to be able to cancel the last appointment since I'm shooting for a 07/07/07 baby.
I really don't like the thought of my exposed belly on the Internet, but I thought I'd show how excited Chase is getting about his little sister. He likes to kiss my belly and feel her kick. Little turkey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad you decided to post this picture- so cute!