Friday, April 06, 2007


We had our first A1C yesterday since going on the pump. The news was good. Chase went from an 8.0 to a 7.8. They like kids his age to be in a range of 7.5 to 8.5 so the report was great news.

Gary and I were amazed at how well Chase handled the blood draw. Chase and I went in early to have some numbing cream put on his arm to reduce the pain. I thought the anticipation of having the blood drawn would unnerve him. Instead, over breakfast in the cafeteria, we tried to guess what color the wrap would be that they'd put around his arm. He was tickled to get a yellow smiley face wrap - we would have never guessed that one! The phlebotomist told him that he made her day because she'd been dealing with crabby old men the whole morning.

Today we started our Easter preparations. We dyed Easter eggs and made a bunny cake for Easter dinner. The insulin pump is going to make this Easter a little easier. Who knows, the Easter Bunny may even drop off a chocolate bunny for Chase this year. ;-)

Here's some of the fun from this morning:


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