Friday, February 02, 2007

Yo, ho, ho. A pirate's life for Chase.

Chase got a tattoo this weekend. Don't worry, it was gone by this morning. He is still fascinated with anything pirates. Too bad we are land locked. I think he'd enjoy the open water, too. Those of you familiar with KitchenAid mixers will notice that his hook is actually my dough attachment! He commandeered it shortly after I received the mixer as a Christmas gift.

Chase does have a softer side. This morning he helped me make pancakes. His future wife will thank me.

Chase's cousin, Connor, came over for a few hours this week. They had fun re-arranging my furniture, including dinning room chairs, so that Chase's tunnel could be up in the air. I took the opportunity to vacuum under my dinning room table while they played. I may just have to invite Connor back so that I can get some more rooms cleaned!

Lately we are just trying to stay warm. We are getting a lot of use out of our fire place. One night Gary and I were able to enjoy a fire, a whole Dave Mathews Band CD, some reading, and a couple of Sudukos. Chase was watching a movie in the other room at the time. I kept anticipating Chase to come out and swap out my CD for something that had a refrain of "Ei, ei, ei, o". I'm enjoying his independence but I still haven't been able to let my guard down and just relax!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the Pirate picture!
Tell Chase that Whitsey has a thing about Pirate's also!!!