Sunday, August 06, 2006

Weekend Report

We've been missing for a week, so I thought I'd update everyone on what Chase has been up to.

He looked at some old tractors with Boppa LeRoy on Wednesday.

And if you're going to look at tractors, you need to wear your tractor shirts.

Today, Chase "helped" me paint the garage floor by using his feet and hands - and a paint brush submerged in the paint can. Note to self, it takes a good 15 minutes and some hard scrubbing to get latex paint off a 2 year old's feet and hands.

Yikes...this is Chase with a blood sugar of 64 while we waited to catch a a ride on the Riverboat. Good thing we brought along some Captain Crunch to snack on! He was in a great mood (contrary to the look on his face) so it is getting harder and harder to recognize his lows.

Here's Chase enjoying a ride on lower level of the Riverboat. And below he is enjoying some scenery with Gary on the upper deck. This was Chase's first ride on the boat where his parents were married 4 years ago!

He's been enjoying his electric pickup, too. Grandma Connie and Grandpa Al were treated to a walk around our block on Friday to see his driving skills. We haven't gotten to spend too much time with them this summer since they head south for the summer.

Otherwise, we've been enjoying some cooler days and trying to get outside as much as we can. Last night we took in an outdoor concert of Ben, Andra, and Chuck Suchy. Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to hear Chuck sing and play since Chase reached his time limit by then. It was a beautiful night and the concert was out in the country, so it was worth the drive. They are a very talented family.

It was a busy week and just reliving it is making me tired! Time to unwind and start again.

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