Monday, May 26, 2008

A room of her own

For 10 months, Leah has graciously shared her bedroom with the family. Lately, though, she hasn't been too happy about the click clack of the keyboard while she tries to sleep. As a result, Gary and I took advantage of the 3-day weekend to move our office to the basement.

We think her room was once actually the original kitchen to our home - which would explain all the counter high plug ins! It has served us as a spare bedroom/TV room/den until Leah arrived. Now, though, it is truly a little girl's room.

We were also able to put our play kitchen in Leah's room. Chase has been asking me to bring it upstairs for a few weeks. I figured that the urge to bring it up was due to the fact that we found some awesome kitchen toys at a rummage sale. Nope, sorry, Mom. It was so that he could put his bad Transformers in the oven. I've said it before and I'll say it again, ugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Chase's Mom -
Your kids are adorable! Sorry our conversation had to end short today - darn work gets in the way, doesn't it?