Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

Part of my Mother's Day gift was a trip home to see my mom. As an added bonus, I got to see my nephew, Ben, from Iowa. He turned nine on the 4th so we got to celebrate a belated birthday with him. He came up to help his dad, John, open up the family cabin out at Wood Lake. John took Gary, Chase and me on a boat ride around the lake. Since it had snowed that morning it was s a little strange to be on a boat that afternoon!

(Happy birthday, Ben, you little cutie - double digits next year!)
Fake smile or cold, I can't tell the difference.
The next day was beautiful, though, and we took the opportunity to break out Grandma's sidewalk chalk. This photo was taken shortly after Leah head butted her brother for not letting her color in his drawing. She holds her own. Having an older brother, too, it's hard to punish her for things like that. I may just try that the next time I see Todd.

On our way home, Chase and I entertained ourselves with some pipe cleaners. I tried to teach him a new (classic) joke along the know, "Why did the chicken cross the road?" His reply every time, "What chicken?".

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