Sunday, April 20, 2008

Little Animals

A $1.00 fish bowl find a rummage sale yesterday turned into an additional $10.50 for a fish, fish food, and bottle of water treatment. The newest member of our family went through a few names, such as: Sharky, Hulk, Thing, Batman, Doc Oc, Carnage, Venom, Dr. Doom, Wolverine, etc. After about the 15th name, Chase said, "How about Davey Jones?" to which Gary and I wholeheartedly agreed should be (and remain) his name.

Meet our Beta fish, Davey Jones...

The fish is Chase's (he wanted to take it bed with him), but Leah is my animal lover. She especially likes cats - real or not real.
Chase is finally on the mend from a week and a half of clostridium difficile colitis. He fell asleep on Tuesday at 5:30 and didn't wake up until 10:30. He was sleeping upright for part of that time!

His appetite is back and his blood sugars are finally returning to normal. We had a few scary low numbers since we wasn't digesting his food properly. His doctor said that clostridium difficile colitis is rather rare in our community so where he picked it up from has us scratching our heads. Leave it to Chase!

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