Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An Unfolding Universe

Front and center on my refrigerator door is a magnet with this quote: "And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should." It is my daily reminder that no matter how much I'd like to control my destiny and that of my children, I'm not in the driver's seat.

Flashback to November 29th, 2005. I'm sitting in Chase's hospital room listening to the laundry list of things we needed to do daily to keep Chase alive and well. I told nurse Maysil that my mantra whenever I was faced with life's challenges was, "this too shall pass". Since his diabetes wasn't going anywhere, I needed a new mantra.

It's taken me a few years to believe that the universe knows what it is doing. I can tell you that I absolutely hate diabetes but I love how it makes me take nothing for granted. Every morning that I see my little boy annoyed that I am waking him for school I am grateful. Dramatic? No. Google "Dead in bed syndrome". More nights than I care to admit, I lay next to him just to drink in the sound of him breathing. It is like sweet music that penetrates my soul.

I don't know why the universe has given us this challenge. Some days we are up to the challenge. Other days it breaks us one way or another as we wait for it to pass. And wait. And wait. In the meanwhile, it makes us Stronger, Healthier, Courageous beyond belief, and Grateful for every moment we share together on this planet.

1 comment:

brooke rene' said...

Well said