Friday, March 11, 2011

Daily Reminders

Can you spot the insulin pump in this picture?
By now you should all know how I feel about insulin pumps. My feelings are obvious. I sometimes feel Medtronic should give Chase a lifetime discount (or shares of stock) for as often I recommend their product.

A few years ago I use to frequent an online support group for parents of T1 kids. One common concern I saw with parents of non-pumping kids was that the pump would be a daily reminder that their child has diabetes. Years and years later, I still scratch my head over that concern. When, during a normal day, do you forget that your child is a diabetic?

Daily, I find myself frantically searching for my car keys in my Grandma Helen purse. Every day damn day. My hand always touches the glucometer case and glucagon I carry with me where ever I go.

Then there is Chase's other glucometer, test strips, and lancet that have a permanent home on our kitchen counter. It's hard to miss because it's always there.
I also see Chase's blood anywhere between 5 to 10 times a day. Every day.
Chase prefers to have his toes tested instead of his fingers, so I am guaranteed to find a lone sock on the floor. Everyday.
And, no matter how hard I try to throw them away, a used test strip ALWAYS seems to show up somewhere. Everyday.

None of the photos above were staged. They didn't need to be. They are my constant reminders.

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