Monday, November 02, 2009


I'm easing back into blogging...and what a better way than with Halloween photos.

We made it a point to stop at this house in Bismarck's historic district. They take halloween decorating to a whole new level. Unfortunately, this was their last year since they are in the process of selling their home.

It was cool!

Here is Chase as Ironman. He really got into character.

Here is my little monster dressed as a furry little red monster.

1 comment:

Michele said...

We went to the Woodcox's house when Dylan was about Chase's age, but half-way up the walk, he turned around and wouldn't go up to the door.

Their holiday decorations will be missed. Truly a Bismarck landmark. Paul Noot's house (on Washington up by our house) is a close second on Halloween.