Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Mother's Revenge

My folks were in town this week. They watched Chase and Leah a couple of days for me while I was at work. Apparently, Leah gave them a run for their money. They say that my little Leah is their revenge for my antics as a child. Highly doubtful, but I agree - she's a spitfire.

Here's a little more about Leah:

She loves her friend Aubrey. Here she is with Aubrey at day care. She will chant "Aubrey, Aubrey, Aubrey..." (more like Aubee) all the way to Sue's house.

She is a really great napper. Here her dad made the sacrifice to take a nap with her. I tend to move like crazy when she is down for a nap, because when she is awake, I'm usually following in her wake of destructiveness.

And, even though she can be a stinker at times - she won't sit in shopping carts, strollers or high chairs, she doesn't like the word no, you break a sweat when trying to dress her...all she needs to do is flash that toothy smile and she's an angel.

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