Monday, July 07, 2008

4th of July

Happy Independence Day!

Our weekend in photos:

Thursday night, arrive in DL. Celebrate Brianna and Leah's July birthdays!

Play with Grandpa's new "toy".

July 4th - attend a parade and spend time out at Wood Lake with the family. Susan and Gary are still recovering from inter tubing and water skiing (thanks, John).

July 5th - work on Grandma's stepping stones.

Leah doesn't enjoy decorating the stepping stones. She much rather would enjoy a ride on the cement sweeper.

Take Grandpa's boat out for it's yearly dip in the water.

Learn that gulls like reduced fat Cheese Nips (which is good, because we don't). They also like: cupcakes, watermelon, and pretzels.

Exhausting, yet fun, weekend!

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