Friday, July 27, 2007


We did Chase's A1C blood test today. Good news - we went from 7.8 to 7.7! It may not sound like a huge improvement, but any time we can bring that number down is a reason to rejoice!

He literally made my jaw drop this morning. When the lab tech called his name, he took her hand and walked back into the room with her. I was still there to hold his hand, but he really amazes me at how well he has adapted to these "every three months" appointments.

Leah also had her first check-up today. She has gained almost one pound in less than two weeks (8# 3 oz to 9# 2 oz). As a nursing mother, I'm not at all surprised by her weight gain. She also gained a 1/2 inch in height. She's in the 75% across the board for weight, height and head circumference.

Gary and I made the decision to have Leah's cord blood stored after she was born. Currently, it cannot be used to treat diabetes, but we are hoping that someday soon that will change. For us, it is insurance. We hope we never have to use it for her, and pray that it may be a cure for Chase.

I received a call from the cord blood company the day we were released from the hospital letting me know that the cells reached their lab and had been processed and stored. They told me that they needed 100 million cells to store the blood, they average 300-400 million and Leah's cord blood had 750 million. All I said was, "That's my girl!"

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